

Archival Record



Other Identifiers

OC/D/1801/449 (local reference number)


2006 (is coverage date of)

Record Resource Extent

35.6 MB (6 digital files)


This record and its parts represents the folder: 'Vital Festival06\Teige E-flyer info\holiday flyer 1' which was part of the digital marketing archive accession (ACC/2018/1), a group of folders formerly managed by staff responsible for marketing at the Centre, 2003-2011.  

The record and its parts were treated as a single record as they were part of a single e-flyer sent out by the Centre. 


Access and Use

Representation Type

mediated ➔ digital

Conditions on Access

Accessible surrogates of the parts of this record are available by appointment in the CFCCA library for private non-commercial research. Surrogates of records parts which are the copyright of the Centre are available via the online catalogue.

Conditions on Use

Digital Folder 'holiday flyer 2', 2006, Chinese Arts Centre. Courtesy of the CFCCA Archive & Library, (GB3451/OC/D/1801/449). Please see individual parts for copyright information.

Related Information

Keywords & Terms

still images ; text ; English ; Latin (script) ; digital ; application/msword ; gif ; jpeg ; Copyright Restricted ; Restricted ; announcements ; Originals ; Live arts programme, (2005-2007) ; Marketing and promotion

Descriptive Note

Rules or Conventions

Our archival collections have been catalogued following the International Standard of Archival Description (ISAD(G)) and principles of Records in Context (RiC). The library collection has been documented following the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) standard and the International Standard for Bibliographic Description (ISBD).

Subject terms for the collections have been taken from the Resource Description Access (RDA) values which are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; the National Archives’ PRONOM online registry of technical information; IANA media types. MIME types; Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)® and Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)® which are made available under the ODC Attribution License.